Lots of people have toolkits. Depending on the task at hand, a toolkit will contain the kinds of tools you need to do the job well.
The better the tools, the more experience & skill you have in using these tools, the clearer the vision and the deeper passion … the better the outcome.
Sometimes specialist tools are needed; new tools for specific tasks.
‘Toolkit for growing great kids’ is a program that offers parents, teachers and children’s workers a range of discipline tools. Each involve the principles to be understood, the skill to be acquired, a thoughtful vision, some considered strategies and the fuel for renewed passion to grow great kids!
The possibility of facilitated group discussions is also explained so as to provide opportunities for participants to explore these specialist tools and strategies together. Taking up this option is one way to help to build community over a period of time.
In whatever way ‘Toolkit for Growing Great Kids’ is explored, participants will be better equipped to help children develop essential life skills such as self management and self discipline at the same time as helping to enhance their resilience and self-esteem.