Take time to teach children good routines.
They give stability to normal life and help children
to take responsibility for their own self-discipline.
‣‣‣ Phil Day

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- Routines imply that there are useful and helpful steps to follow in normal everyday life in order to help life to flow and so everyone can know their role and fulfill it.
- Any routine can be flexible if normal events are changed or a routine can be modified over time
Routines imply that there are useful and helpful steps to follow in normal everyday life in order to help life to flow and so everyone can knows their role and fulfill it. Any routine can be flexible if normal events are changed or can be modified over time.
- Implement good routines in order to teach children helpful behaviours.
- Use of symbol, picture, or word lists help a parent and a child stay on track.
- Asking ‘What’s next?’ will help a child to develop responsibility for his or her own actions.
- This is an S9 tool
Even the most gifted of us are helped by simple routines …
Just for fun Check this link: Cartoonist Gary Larson First pants then your shoes
After reflecting on the words at least, aren’t we all gifted and not to be weighed down by things that require [hardly] a common thought? (Frederick, 2007)
That’s another reason we all have and need good routines! Why spend energy thinking about mundane tasks? Helpful and healthy routines can become habits for life.
The power of the Toolkit approach now is to research what other people have seen, heard of or tried and then adapting one idea at a time to your context.
Frederick P.L. 2007 My Cartoon Collection (#1) Small & Big ways to use the alphabet viewed 8 July 2014, http://smallandbig.blogspot.com.au/2007/05/my-cartoon-collection-1.html
Most recent edit: 19FEB15~pd
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