Positive feelings come from being honest about yourself and accepting your personality, and physical characteristics, warts and all; and, from belonging to a family that accepts you without question.
‣‣‣ Willard Scott

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- Take the time to get to know about your personality type and the personality types of each child.
- The social sciences (psychology, sociology and others) have provided a wealth of information to provide us with a life time of reading. To even wade in the shallows of such a body of work requires a lot of time and the motivation to do so.
- This motivation will most likely come from wanting all our relationships to be just right … one’s relationship with one’s self … as well as one’s relationships with history, the world and others, including the children in our midst.
- This is an S9 tool
Getting to know you, getting to know all about you!
The social sciences … psychology, sociology, demography and others, have provided a wealth of information to provide us with a life time of reading.
Just to wade in the shallows of such a body of work requires a lot of time and the motivation to do so.
Find a passion to start! We have got to want to on the basis that it will help all our relationships to be just right. … one’s relationship with one’s self … as well as our relationships with our history, our world and others, including our children.
One of the basic keys for this is to begin to understand something about personality traits. The very basis of this understanding includes a some degree of agreement with the following:
- Each person is important, unique and special … including each child and including you!
- We are each ‘hard-wired’ differently and this usually affects how we will view and interact with the world … including us with our child and our child with us.
- Understanding each child will help you to change your style of approach towards each individual child. It will help you to modify the way you relate to each child.
A helpful window on all this is the work being done for decades now that help to describe ‘personality types’. Here’s a few. Click on these to begin a google search on each topic. The Wikipedia references are basic but informative in each case.
Implications include:
- children learn best in different ways;
- we each best receive expressions of friendship and love in different ways.
Primary Research:
What have you seen or heard of or tried that helps in this area. (see Tool #1)
Further research:
The key to researching this is to find out from others what difference their understandings in this area has made in a variety of their relationships, especially their children.
Most recent edit: 19FEB15~pd
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